Useful Links

Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg provides access to a huge selection of classic ebooks, completely free of charge. Files are available that can be used on your PC, iPhone/iPod/iPad, Android mobile, Sony Reader or Kindle.

Scran is an award-winning learning website with over 360,000 images, videos and sounds from museums, galleries, archives and the media in Scotland and beyond. Every resource can be used in educational materials. Scran is a free service through support from the Scottish Government.

Issues Online
An excellent resource for summaries, statistics and articles on a wide range of social issues (e.g. addiction, abuse and topical global issues). You should be able to access this without a login in the school, but please ask in the library for a username and password if you have trouble.

Author Websites
If you like a particular author, why not check out their website to find out more? Here are some popular ones - please let the librarian know if you would like to see your favourite author here.